World Economic Research Institute (WERI) together with University of Seville and Grigol Robakidze University  are organizing the XVII. International Conference on Economics (EconWorld2025@Prague) to be held both in-person and online in Prague, Czechia on July 23-25, 2025. The Conference program includes plenary sessions, panels, and presentations of contributed papers. The conference is open to all line of theoretical and empirical research in economics, finance, labour, and entrepreneurship. The conference aims at bringing together scholars from all over the World for exchange of ideas, discussion of recent results within theoretical and applied research, and creating a research network for future joint collaborations.

Abstract Submission

An abstract of not less/more than 150/200 words in English or Turkish should be submitted online through the website. Abstracts should include 2-3 JEL codes and keywords of the research. Papers in the fields of economics, finance, entrepreneurship, and labor will be considered. Papers submitted to EconWorld2025@Prague Conference will be evaluated at least two blind referees. Authors will receive a notification by e-mail about acceptance/rejection of their research within 2 weeks after their submission. Authors can not submit more than 2 papers. No poster presentation is allowed at this conference. 

The topic areas of this conference: 

  • Economic theory
  • Economic policiy
  • Applied economics
  • Economic development
  • Industrial economics
  • Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Labor economics
  • Public finance

Please submit your abstract by following the link below:

Click to submit your abstract to EconWorld2025

Please send your abstract to if you are having a problem in submitting online.

Full Paper Submission

The deadline to submit full papers is January 25, 2024. Submitting full papers are up to the authors (not mandatory). Full papers submitted will be published on the conference web site. The manuscript should be 1.5 line spacing. Margins on the page should be at least 2.5 cm. Page numbers must be placed at the bottom of the page. Font size should be Times New Roman 12 pt or Arial 11 pt. The first page of the manuscript should include title, author(s) names with institutions and e-mail address of each author, abstract, keywords (min. 3, max. 5) and JEL codes. Correspondence address should be indicated by a footnote with the full mailing address, fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author. In addition, supporting agencies, etc. may also be indicated by a footnote on the first page. Abstract should not exceed 200 words for reviews and research articles. Equations, citations, uncommon abbreviations, etc. should not be included in the abstract.

Please use the full paper template provided. Click here to download the template.

Please submit your full paper in MS Word format to



Organizing Committee

Vakhtang CHARAIA – Grigol Robakidze University, Georgia

Myriam GONZÁLEZ-LIMÓN – University of Seville, Spain

Yilmaz KILICASLAN – Anadolu University, Turkey

Tekin KOSE – University of Aberdeen, UK

Teresa ROJO – University of Seville, Spain


Conference Secretariat

Selda DUDU - University of Seville


Scientific Committee

Ali T. AKARCA – University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Teimuraz BERIDZE – Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Max BOUT – Xavier University, USA

Celia CENKINS – University of Westminster, UK

Daniel COQ – University of Seville, Spain

Hasan Dudu - The Worldbank, USA

Daniela Maggioni - l'Università Cattolica, Italy

Dana DLUHOŠOVÁ, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Vittorio FERRERO – IRES, Italy

Alfredo Saad FILHO – University of London, SOAS, UK

Ayhan KOSE – Worldbank, USA

Daniela MAGGIONI – University of Catania, Italy

Miguel Angel MARTIN – University of Seville, Spain

Fahrang MORADY – Westminster University, UK

Azra MUSAVÄ° – Aligarh Muslim University, Indi

Vladimer PAPAVA – Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Terresa ROJO – University of Seville, Spain

Marcello La ROSA – IRES, Italy

Shalva MACHAVARIANI – East European University, Georgia

Robin C. SICKLES – Rice University, USA

Davit SIKHARULIDZE – East European University, Georgia

A. Cevat TASIRAN – Middlesex University, UK

Erol TAYMAZ – METU, Turkey

Hulya ULKU – Worldbank, USA

Tomas WROBLOWSKY – VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Rep.

Paul ZAREMBKA – Buffalo University, USA

Keynote Speakers


Important Dates

  • April 1, 2025
    Deadline for early abstract submission

  • April 20, 2025
    Deadline for early registration

  • June 1, 2025
    Deadline for late abstract submission

  • June 20, 2025
    Deadline for late registration

  • June 30, 2025
    Announcement of programme

Financal Support

EconWorld will provide financial support to 10 participants at EconWorld2025@Prague Conference. The type of support will be as follows:

  • Registration fee waiver (to be given to 5 participants)
  • 50% discount on early registration fee (to be given 5 participants, only low and lower-middle income country researchers are eligible)

To apply for financial support;

  • please submit your full paper by April 1, 2025 to and
  • indicate the type of support you request,
  • indicate the type of participation (online or in-person),
  • there is no need for submission of full paper for "50% discount on early registration fee". 

The results will be announced by April 10, 2025.



TBA by June 30, 2025.





In-person Participation:

  • The deadline for early registration to EconWorld2025@Prague is April 20, 2025. Early registration fee is EURO200.
  • The deadline for late registration to EconWorld2025@Prague is June 20, 2025. Late registration fee of the conference is EURO300.
  • Early registration fee for graduate students is EURO150. The late registration fee for graduate students is EURO250. Proof of studentship is required. 
  • Registraiton fee for in-person participation covers admission to all sessions, conference materials, and coffee breaks.

Online Participation:

  • The deadline for early registration to EconWorld2025@Prague is April 20, 2025. Early registration fee for online participation is EURO100.
  • The deadline for late registration to EconWorld2025@Prague is June 20, 2025. Late registration fee for online participation is EURO150.
  • Early registration fee for graduate students participating online is EURO75. The late registration fee for graduate students for online participation is EURO150. Proof of studentship is required. 
  • Registraiton fee for online participation covers admission to all sessions.

To register for the conference, please;

  1. Fill in the EconWorld2025 Registration Form and send to Conference Secretariat at
  2. Pay the Conference Registration Fee (information about payment options are available in the Registration Form)
  3. Your registration to EconWorld2025 will be completed when you receive a confirmation mail from us.

Registration fee payments can be made via bank transfer or credit card. 

Invoice will be provided at the conference registration desk to all participants unless urgently required.


Refund Policy: 50% of the registration fee paid may be refunded before April 20, 2025. No refund after April 21, 2025.



Publication Opportunities

Paper presenting authors at the EconWorld2025@Prague Conference have the opportunity to publish their papers in the following journal:

The authors willing to publish their work in eLit, EconWorld Journal or Anduli must submit revised version of their papers after the EconWorld2025 conference. Note that, the journal will be under no commitment to publish any article. However, they do promise an expedited refereeing process. The deadline to submit your manuscript is August 29, 2025.  Papers will be published in journals as early as possible. The authors should follow regular submission rules of the journal that can be found on the Journal’s web page.


Ambassador Zlata Husa Hotel, Prague

Vaclavske namesti 5-7,

11124, Prague 1, Czechia

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World Economic Research Institute (WERI)
Anadolu University
26470, Eskisehir, Turkey